Press Mentions

Kirkus Reviews: Meet Me at the River
De Gramont torments readers with flashbacks similar to Melina Marchetta’s Jellicoe Road (2008), in which the knowledge that a character’s death is inevitable heightens, rather than assuages, readers’ dread as Luke’s final doomed moments are slowly revealed.
Kirkus Reviews: Every Little Thing in the World
De Gramont’s compelling coming-of-age story, often poetic, compassionately probes the dilemma of and complex choices surrounding Sydney’s pregnancy.
Kirkus Reviews: Gossip of the Starlings
Debut novelist de Gramont (stories: Of Cats and Men, 2001) employs an elegiac voice in this memorable if uneven novel based on the plethora of prep school scandals. After she’s caught in bed with her impossibly decent boyfriend John Paul, teenaged Catherine Morrow is...
Thin Air Magazine: An Interview with Nina de Gramont
It’s a novel for teens about prejudice, secrets, and friendship. I structured it around a situation that feels familiar at first – a love triangle – but tried to take it in new and different directions than the reader would expect.
Table for Two: An Interview with Nina de Gramont on Publication Day
It’s sunset, it’s summer still, this golden clear month of September, and this is familiar territory for Nina, this storied Cape Cod, but also in part the setting for her new novel, The Last September, about a woman whose greatest love is shattered by a murder that takes place in the first pages, even as the story moves back to the days before all that. But our meal has arrived, and the sun is a red ball on the horizon, and today is publication day.
Author looks to past for inspiration in Gossip
When Nina de Gramont was in high school, police and administrators broke up a student drug ring at a certain tony New England prep school. It was the talk of teenagers in six states.
Local novelist releases first murder mystery
From Henry David Thoreau to Ralph Waldo Emerson, many great American writers sought inspiration at Cape Cod. Nina de Gramont, author and professor of creative writing at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, said her experiences living at Cape Cod with her husband influenced the plot and setting of her newly released novel, “The Last September.”
Entertainment Realm Review of The Last September
Nina de Gramont writes excellent characters and a dazzling storyline involving mental illness, family, infidelity, relationships, love and murder. The Last September is one of the best books I’ve read this year. It’s a masterful mediation on relationships.